The results from our Mixtape Competition is in. The rules were simple: You’ve met a girl or a boy and want to make a mixtape as a gift. Which 5 tracks are essential?

You chose, added a few notes and submitted them to us. With over 250 submissions we decided to dedicate the whole episode to highlight some of the best, and some of the more odd, choices. While it might sound like we make some of some selections, we loved all of them and it was super fun to read your notes and pick our favorites.

We plan on making an extended list of the lists we highlight in the show, but for now – Listen in, get mad when we diss your favorites, discover new bands and agree or disagree as we pick a winner. Since we ran out of time, we decided to cut and dedicate a bonus episodes for our own mix tapes. Agree? Disagree? You’ll find ways to contact us and have your say;

Email us at! Follow @onlymusicpod on Twitter, Louise has her own Twitter as well, or listen to our latest addition to our Spotify list. It also helps the both of us if you subscribe to our podcast!

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